Bringing fine art to Oconomowoc for
50 YEARS Coming August 21-22, 2021 at Fowler Park

Philip Heinle, (shown above) Festival of the Arts President, described this year’s Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts celebrating 50 Years! The Festival is inviting only 101 guests this year as opposed to the usual 135. The decision was made following COVID 19 precautions. “Fine art bring this community together,” said Heinle. The non-profit holds the annual Fowler Park festival with the help of more than 500 volunteers. From its “humble beginning” at Zion Episcopal Church to now 50 years standing at Fowler Park, the Festival force has given out more than $200,000 in scholarships to budding artists. The Festival averages about 10,000 participants a day the third weekend in August. The event features 11 different art categories, runs boat and bus shuttles, offers free admission and hosts dozens of talented artists with juried art from all over the country.
The Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts is sponsored by the Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts, Ltd. an all volunteer community organization. Now in its 50th year, it is a juried art festival enjoyed by artists and visitors alike. It has often been named one of the 100 best art fairs in the country by Sunshine Magazine, all the while maintaining an intimate park setting. For over a third of a century, the festival has been held on the third weekend in August in beautiful Fowler Park on the shores of Fowler Lake in the heart of Oconomowoc. Situated roughly halfway between Milwaukee and Madison, the festival sees patrons from as far away as both large cities.
Patrons can enjoy various musical groups on three stages scattered throughout the park. Families are encouraged to create their own works of art in the Children’s Area adjacent to the Children’s Stage. Everyone will find delicious treats provided by local community organizations at the Food Pavilion.
So come to Oconomowoc –Where the Waters Meet– to leisurely shop for quality artwork in all media: photography, painting, drawing, fiber, jewelry, wood, metal, glass, stone… the artistic choices are as exquisite as the scenery.
The Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts began in 1970 inspired by Virginia Harris and supported by the Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club and the Oconomowoc Woman’s Club. From 1970-1973, the annual festival was held at Zion Episcopal Church.
In 1974, the event moved to Fowler Park to have space for creative layout and to celebrate the park and lake. It continued to flourish each year, adding more artists, exhibits, entertainment, and concessions. It is funded by artists, individual donors, the clubs, and community leaders.
Due to its success in the last 45+ years, the Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts fosters public awareness of the arts through the annual festival, scholarships, sculptures, and youth programs.
The griffin has been the logo from the beginning in honor of the two griffins displayed in front of the Oconomowoc Public Library.
The festival T-shirts have featured paintings by these artists: Virginia Harris, Winn Jones, Hazel Adams, Lynn Casper, Don Nedobeck, Charlotte Fung Miller, and the sculpture Melody by Tuan.
We thank all of the individuals for their hard work to bring this to our community going on the 50th year.