About Inspire America Now


is a local positive news website to provide a platform for people to post positive news.  The topics can range from happy birthday, anniversaries, various special occasions, years of service to an organization, including business, individuals serving in community groups, intentional acts of kindness,  and expressing gratitude to others who have impacted lives, including  yours.

Our pledge to you….  The more you recognize the good in your world, the more you will continue to have in your life to be grateful for.  We all get what we give,  Let’s give good everywhere.

Most people agree that a website for only positive news is exactly what is required now.   Schools, community groups, service organizations, elected officials, businesses, community leaders and citizens at large can share positive things in their our lives with their communities.

Everyone agrees by expressing gratitude we can only feel better about ourselves as we acknowledge and appreciate good in our world.  It is common knowledge, what we focus on, eventually becomes our future.  Happy thoughts filled with gratitude creates more to be thankful for.     

This website is your platform.  Be courageous and take a stand for the good your life by posting what is positive and watch what happens as you upgrade your life and others who will be inspired by your expressions of gratitude.  

Inspire America Now is not a place for any controversial causes,  religious doctrine  or political anything.   

Thank you for helping us InspireAmericaNow.com and make our communities a better place for all.  

I am the founder of InspireAmericaNow.com.   My name is Freddy  McGaver.  I spent my younger years in Cudahy, Wisconsin.   Cudahy is a small city on Lake Michigan just a few miles south of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  

I learned long ago that our focus is our future.  That life lesson has been reinforced thousands of times over the years by my own life experiences nudging me to do what brings me joy and passion.  

In the early 2000’s I purchased a full page in 3 different newspapers in southeastern Wisconsin communities.  I would display 4-8 stories each month sharing about local citizens making a difference.  Many of the people I featured did not want recognition as a hero as they were just living their lives expressing gratitude for what was important to them.  I would meet with people and actually write their story and learn a great deal about individual, their life and their sense of purpose.  They were all very interesting and I could have wrote a book about each one.   

As I learned about each person,  it was obvious to me that they were everyday heroes in their own way.    In one story, the man was in his club over 50 years,  had been President 5 different times in 5 different decades.  In another community two women started a Christmas gift program for the local churches to distribute 75 gifts of toys for children ages 5-12 of low income families who were challenged to put presents under the tree, in the first year.  At the time I did this story it was the 14th year and they were giving out 550 gifts per season.  This initial gift program became a movement and tradition that still goes on today in many communities.   Two loving hearts coupled with effort and purpose create a generous  “Tradition”.   

Everyday heroes are all around.  We know many people help in all communities and we choose to hear their story.  Sharing their stories does things;  It thanks them for the good they are doing and inspires others to make a difference too.  

Maybe this is  your time to make a difference and express your gratitude and love to other deserving of a public Thank You

Thank you for helping us Inspire America Now.


Fred McGaver



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