Most people are ready for some local positive news that will inspire them, without anything negative on the next story. We are starting this website here in Waukesha County and will be adding it all over the state and beyond.
We are providing this platform for all to post local positive news. All community groups (nothing political or controversial will be posted) are welcome to showcase their mission, leadership, membership and are able to invite others to their events.
We are looking for 100 people who will commit to posting at least 1 quality story (weekly or monthly) about someone making a difference in the community. Anniversaries and other special events are welcome. If you choose to be an ambassador for your group or just an Ambassador at large and help get the good news out, please email me at Please put in subject section “IAN Ambassador inquiry”
It is all free because of the generosity of businesses or individuals who are asked to support us by sponsoring us for $1.00 to $1.50 per day ($365 -$550 annually)
I remember asking myself, “why should I do this”, and now I ask you, “why shouldn’t you”. As old as civilization is, the principles of “the best servant being the best leader”, coupled with the proverb “what goes around comes around” and the fact that “we all get what we give” still endure.
Please join me in taking a stand for all of the good that there is and share that good news often as we voice our choice of appreciation and love for so many who serve and help everyday.
Sometimes in my own path I noticed feeling in a slump of some sort and when I would talk to one of my mentors, he would say that if you want to feel better, go and help someone. He told me the most selfish thing you can do is help someone. People being thanked helps them and also inspires others to get their own dose of healing by getting “off it” and make a difference for yourself as you acknowledge the good all around us. I could use your help, actually we all could use your help. Yes YOU.
There is never a good time to do these acts of kindness, I can only nudge you to ACT, and express your gratitude. Procrastination sent more people to hell than whiskey. Now is a good time to come to action.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our mission of
Positively Freddy McGaver – Early years in Cudahy,WI Currently in Oconomowoc, WI.

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