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Oconomowoc Area Historical Society & Museum Our Past bridging Our Future

It is the mission of the Oconomowoc Area Historical Society and Museum to serve our many constituencies as a community resource and learning center, committed to historic preservation and research; and to inspire and encourage curiosity and passion for our historic treasures. Please log on to to learn more.

They are a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization and there is no charge for museum admittance.

We thank all of these leaders for continuing the Legacy of Oconomowoc’s amazing history.

The past President from 2019 is Kurt Schrang Special Thanks for Kurt for his service to Oconomowoc.

The current leadership is President: Sandie Carter, Vice President: Rod Bluhm, Secretary: Pam Thomas, Treasurer Emeritus: Hilton Neal, Treasurer: Ed Johnson,

Director: Mary Blaska, Director: Mac Dorn, Director: Barbara Elwood-Goetsch. Director: Ralph Garcia, Director: Shirley Hinds, Director: Charles Laabs, Director: Robert Lex, Director: Jacky Morgan, Director: Laurie Muffler, Director: Douglas Stern, The Historical Society welcomes new directors Charles Laabs and Robert Lex.

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