A new campaign called “Hero Mail Call” hopes to send thousands of letters and drawings to healthcare heroes and isolated senior citizens across the country to extend love, care and appreciation during this most difficult time for many.
The effort, sponsored by Kapco, Inc. in Grafton, asks people of all ages to write a letter, draw a picture or create a video to express gratitude and appreciation to healthcare workers and seniors in living facilities that they are not alone.
To contribute your well wishes, do one of the following:
- Send snail mail to: Kapco’s Hero Mail Call, PO Box 1170, Grafton, WI 53024
- Email: heromailcall@gmail.com
- Join the Hero Mail Call Facebook Group here
As soon as a large volume of notes, letters and videos are received they will be distributed – observing best-practice safety guidelines – to hundreds of locations and thousands of individuals.
“During this challenging time, millions of healthcare heroes are putting their own safety at risk for the sake of our families,” said Jim Kacmarcik, President of Kapco, Inc. “We also realize that senior citizens without any visitors are experiencing loneliness. Encouraging people to create letters and art expressing hope and appreciation can make a real difference for all involved.”
Contact heromailcall@gmail.com with questions or to recommend suggestions for facilities and groups.
We Thank Jim Kacmarcik for making our communities a better place in so many ways as many embrace his challenge to thank many more for their help to keep us safer.