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Congratulations to St. Thomas More – Cavalier Strength and Fitness Coach Jimmy Litscher (TM ’06) for being named Wisconsin’s State strength Coach of the Year!

From  Dan Steffes of St Thomas More, High School  Jimmy Litscher (TM ’06) is a tremendously positive influence on our school culture at STM. He gives everything he has to our kids on a daily basis and he loves what he does. I’m proud to work with him and prouder to call him a friend. Congratulations, Jimmy!

Look above at the 2nd from the left bottom row

Congratulations to Cavalier Strength and Fitness Coach Jimmy Litscher (TM ’06) for being named Wisconsin’s state strength coach of the year! Countless student-athletes have called the Fitness Center their home over the years and we could not be more proud of the positive and hard work-focused atmosphere that Coach Litscher has created. Way to go!

This award is given annually to a High School Strength and Conditioning Coach in recognition for his or her coaching achievements and passion for the profession. The State Coach of the Year is selected from among the top coaches across each state and receives an award certificate and recognition at the National Conference Awards Dinner.

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