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Introduction to Oconomowoc Women’s Club

The mission statement of the Oconomowoc Woman’s Club (OWC) is that through volunteer efforts we can better our community, our country, and ourselves. All members are asked to take an active part fulfilling our mission by participating in our fundraisers and giving donations. Our club becomes alive as members share with us the talents and gifts they have to serve others.

Our history started when The General Federation of Women’s Clubs was organized in New York in 1889. Clubs spread across the United States. The GFWC is the largest organization of volunteer women nationwide with the motto of “Unity in Diversity.” In 1896, the Wisconsin Federation of Women’s Clubs was chartered and convened for the first time in October at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. The Oconomowoc Woman’s Club was organized in August of 1949.

Since starting, the OWC has made many achievements in various areas. We are devoted to improving the lives of adults and children with educational scholarships and donations to organizations that help those in need. Our club is for women who want to improve the lives of others, our community and the world, all while growing friendships and having some fun along the way. The women of OWC find joy in service.

Our projects and fundraisers fall under the six Community Service Programs established by the GFWC: The Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, International Affairs, and Public Issues. At this time we conduct three fundraisers: Trivia Night, concession sales at the Festival of Arts, and an Annual Style Show Luncheon. The purpose of the fundraisers is to give donations to approximately 20 different local charities and give scholarship money to students from the Oconomowoc area. Club members are able to choose programs and projects suited to their interests.

Besides personal satisfaction, as an Oconomowoc Woman’s Club member, you meet new friends, gain memorable experiences and create a legacy for future women. You will receive more than you give.

Service before Self,

Pat Stemper, President

GFWC-OWC 2019-2021

We Salute all of the individuals listed below for making our community a better place.



President – Pat Stemper

President-Elect – Vacant

1st Vice President – Helen Hertneky

2nd Vice President & Programs Coordinator – Vacant

Recording Secretary – Carol Anderson

Corresponding Secretary – Sharon Phelps

Treasurer – Sue Auer

Assistant Treasurer – Karen Macke

Membership – Barb Baker

Parliamentarian – Judi LaPointe

Committees and Other Positions

Arts Department – Jeanie Burchardt

Yard of the Month – Carol Anderson & Jeanie Burchardt

Scholarships – Beverly Lee

Food Pantry and Operation Smile – Helen Hertneky

Festival of the Arts – Mary Vogel and Linda Seifert

Trivia Night – Carol Schuett and Cheryl Thomsen

Style Show – Henrietta Garlock and Helen Shimon

Garden Tour – June Perkins and Mary Jane Kamber

Book Sales – Barb Baker

Calling Committee – Isabel Ladwig and Carol Schuett

Sunshine – Lynne Uttke

Birthday Celebrant – Isabel Ladwig

Nominating Committee – Helen Hertneky

Budget – Sue Auer, Theresa Custer, Pat Stemper, Beverly Lee and Sally Schoenborn

Historian – Helen Hertneky and Jeanne Burchardt

Website – Theresa Custer

Facebook – Theresa Custer

Publicity – Jeanie Burchardt

Newsletter – Jeanie Burchardt

Ladie’s Night Out – Lizzie Bauer

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