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Ewald Soccer Fields at Monterey Park, north of Oconomowoc on Highway 67 A Legacy for future generations.

On Aug. 26, 2016 Ewald Automotive Group held a dedication ceremony at the soccer fields, N80W38226 McMahon Road (Highway 67), where they announced the completion of the four-year development.

Ewald said the fields, which are home to Strike FC, host teams from throughout Wisconsin that come to Oconomowoc to compete in soccer tournaments.

City of Oconomowoc — Ewald Automotive Group has donated $200,000 to the Striker FC Soccer Club in Oconomowoc to complete the development of the Ewald Soccer Fields at Monterey Park on Highway 67.

According to managing partner Brian Ewald, the money was be used to fund the paving at the complex in north Oconomowoc. “It’s not only a local thing; it’s a regional thing that people benefit from,” he said.

Ewald Automotive Group in 2011 donated $210,000 to the soccer club for the development of 16 soccer fields and the soccer pavilion. The $200,000 donated in 2016 completed the project.

“We’ve always had a premise that if you do business in a community you have to give back to the community because, without the community, you don’t have a business,” Ewald said. “Some people say what you take out of a community you have to put back, and we’ve always put back,” he said.

We Thank the Ewald Family for making our area a better place.

The completion of the Ewald Soccer Fields was recognized in a dedication ceremony on Aug. 26.2016
Present for the ribbon cutting were (from left) Ken Ward, Craig Ewald, Tom Ewald, Emil Ewald, Brian Ewald, Jay Ewald and Robert Hultquist. The event announced the completion of the four-year development of the site.

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